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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Agritourism Risk Management Workshop

Rutgers NJAES Agritourism Working Group presents:

Agritourism Risk Management Workshop 
Date: Monday, February 25, 2013
Location: Rutgers NJAES Cooperative Extension
of Burlington County 
2 Academy Dr., Westampton, NJ

This workshop is being offered to go over some of the risk management issues that may come up on the farm when agritourism marketing is offered.

Registration Brochure

On Monday, February 25, 2013, from 9:30AM to 3:00 PM, an Agritourism Risk Management Workshop will be presented at the Rutgers NJAES Cooperative Extension Office at 2 Academy Drive, Westampton, Burlington County, New Jersey.

This workshop is being offered to go over many of the risk management issues that come up on the farm when agritourism marketing is offered. Agritourism activities may make a farm more likely to have nuisance complaints and liability issues, since more people will visiting the farm. Most public visitors are not familiar with farm hazards and certain strategies are needed to help prevent accidents or injuries. This workshop will concentrate on insurance issues, financial risks, physical safety risks on the farm, budgets for agritourism activities, and how to deal with regulatory issues and nuisance complaints. The workshop will conclude with a panel of successful farmers from around the state, sharing their experiences and techniques for agritourism marketing.

As a farmer, agritourism may allow you to generate additional income from farm assets that are underutilized; can help to diversify product lines and markets; allows direct feedback from consumers about preferences for products and services; and creates a “culture of understanding” for what it takes to be a commercial farmer, possibly, reducing local conflicts over farm practices and strengthening public support for the existence of farms. Attending this workshop will help agritourism farmers understand more about risk management issues for this unique marketing strategy.

For more information visit to see the Rutgers Events Calendar and to download the registration brochure found at the February25th calendar block.

You can also email Michelle Infante-Casella, Agricultural Agent at or call 856-307-6450 ext. 1.

For more educational information about agritourism, the Rutgers NJAES Agritourism Working Group has developed a new website that is for multiple audiences. Sections of the website have been tailored for farmers, agricultural educators, tourism professionals, planners and policy makers, and for farm visitors. Visit