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The points of contact between Rutgers Cooperative Extension Service and the grower & business communities are the NJ County Agricultural Agents. The agents are a tremendous source of information for both new and experienced growers.
Visit your local county extension office.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Soybean Storage and Drying Tips

With the high price of soybeans and good yields this past fall there are a lot of stored beans in NJ that will need attension during the winter and spring to maintain good quality. The following is information on a webinar by one of the nation's top drying and storage experts who also will be a presenter at the February 13 statewide soybean producers meeting. Viewing this webinar in advance of the meeting will give you an opportunity to get important questions answered.
Zane R. Helsel

Statewide Soybean Producers Meeting February 13

The NJ Soybean Board (check-off program) is again sponsoring a Statewide Soybean Producers meeting at the Rutgers Ecocomplex from 9-3pm on February 13. Topics will include marketing, drying and storage, pest control updates (pesticide credits are being applied for) and other important topics. You can register free by calling 609--585-6871 which will also entitle you to a free breakfast and lunch.
Zane R. Helsel