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Monday, May 21, 2012

Postemergence Corn Products to Provide Residual Weed Control

-Mark VanGessel, University of Delaware Extension Weed Specialist
Weekly Crop Update

Some corn fields need to be sprayed for weeds, but the corn is only 3 to 4 collars. In many ways this is good because the corn leaves will not interfere with herbicide spray pattern and will allow for maximum control. However, that means it may be two to three weeks until the corn canopies over. So relying on glyphosate or Liberty for postemergence weed control, could run into situations of weeds emerging between the postemergence sprays and the time corn canopies over. You should consider a residual herbicide in this scenario. Be sure to read individual labels for information on maximum corn size and recommended adjuvants. The following table of products will help with your selection: