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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Focus on Soybeans-Web Resources

        As part of its tech transfer efforts, the United Soybean Board (National Checkoff Program) purchased 500 one-year subscriptions to the Plant Management Network (PMN) for soybean growers and the consultants who work for them.  These subscriptions are available on a first-come, first-serve basis, and they are intended for individuals who did not subscribe during USB’s 500-subscription promotion last fall.  This subscription includes access to PMN’s entire collection of “Focus on Soybeans” webcasts and thousands of pest control trial results and Extension publications. 

         A listing of PMN’s soybean-inclusive resources can be found at:  

You can sign up for a free one-year subscription to all the Plant Management  Networks content through the signup form at the following short link:   
Just enter the required contact information, scroll down toward the bottom of the page,    
             enter your preferred username and password, and click “submit”.  Make sure to record your username and password on paper for safekeeping.

Zane R. Helsel