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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Herbicide Resistance Management Webcast Featured in Focus on Soybean

The threat of herbicide-resistant weeds to crop production makes sustainable weed and herbicide management a high-priority issue for growers, consultants, and researchers involved with soybeans and other field crops.Herbicide Resistance Management in Soybean, a webcast authored by Dr. Wes Everman, Assistant Professor and Extension Weed Specialist at North Carolina State University, shows soybean growers and consultants in the Southeast and Southern regions of the U.S
- The current state of herbicide resistance in weeds
- The current practices available to combat herbicide resistance
- Factors that should be considered when developing a weed management program
- Future management options
This 24-minute presentation is open access through August 31, 2012. Viewers can also opt to see a 5-minute executive summary version of this presentation.
This shorter executive summary version is permanently open access courtesy of the United Soybean Board.
View this presentation at

View other presentations in the Focus on Soybean resource at

Focus on Soybean is a publication of the Plant Management Network(PMN) (,

Above forwarded  from PMN. Posted by Zane R. Helsel