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Contact Information

The points of contact between Rutgers Cooperative Extension Service and the grower & business communities are the NJ County Agricultural Agents. The agents are a tremendous source of information for both new and experienced growers.
Visit your local county extension office.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Mid-Atlantic Regional Agronomist Quarterly Newsletter March 2011

Dr. Richard W. Taylor's Mid-Atlantic Regional Agronomist Quarterly Newsletter is available for download. 
To subscribe, send request to:

Save Tractor Fuel Spring 2011

Diesel fuel in NJ is over $3.50 per gallon. Iowa State has available a new fact sheet.
Shift Up and Throttle Back to Save Tractor Fuel

New Jersey's Prospective Plantings - USDA NASS

As of March 1, 2011, New Jersey farmers expect more acreage of corn, hay, and winter wheat while soybeans acreage is down slightly and sweet potato acreage remained unchanged from the previous year.
  • Corn planted acreage is expected to total 85,000, up 5,000 acres from last year. 
  • All hay acreage intended for harvest is expected to total 110,000, up 5,000 acres from 2010. 
  • Soybeans planted acreage is expected to total 90,000, down 4,000 acres from a year ago. 
  • Sweet potato acreage is expected to total 1,300 acres, unchanged from last year.
  • Winter wheat seeding for the 2011 season totaled 40,000, up 12,000 acres from last year.