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Monday, June 20, 2011

Manganese deficiency in soybeans

Over the past few days I have begun to notice manganese deficiency appearing in some of our earlier planted soybean fields. As many of us know manganese deficiency on soybean can be a common and recurring deficiency on our sandy soils in the southern portion of the state. Deficiency results in reduced leaf chlorophyll content. The common symptom in soybeans is interveinal chlorosis (the tissue between the veins turns yellow while the veins remain green). Manganese deficiency can result in reduced yields. Extensive research by our extension soil fertility specialist Dr. Joe Heckman has shown an economic benefit of applying foliar applications of manganese fertilizer to soybeans deficient in manganese. More information is available on manganese deficiency in the RCE publication Soil Fertility Recommendations for Soybeans.

This photo shows a soybean plant with typical symptoms of manganese deficiency.

Bill Bamka