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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Thrips in Soybeans

I was out looking at some young soybeans in the second trifoliate stage and noticed some thrip injury. Thrip injury appears as a puckering of the leaves. Sometimes it is confused with 2,4-D herbicide injury. Thrips are generally not an issue in non drought stressed fields as the plants can generally tolerate the feeding injury. Thrips can be a concern to newly planted double crop soybeans particularly if spider mites and leafhoppers are present, especially during drought periods. Information on scouting and treatment is in the Mid-Atlantic Field Crop Pest Management Guide.

Bill Bamka

Thrip damage on soybean


I was out scouting some alfalfa in Burlington County and was finding pretty significant leafhopper numbers. Some plants were showing yellowing, which translates into yield loss. Remember to continue scouting for leafhopper. Treatment is generally recommended when the number of leafhoppers in 100 sweeps is 10 times greater than the average stem height. For example in 6 inch alfalfa you would need more than 60 leafhoppers in 100 sweeps. Complete scouting and treatment information can be found in the Mid-Atlantic Field Crop Pest Management Recommendations.

Bill Bamka

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Manganese Deficiency showing in Soybean

It is that time of year again when we are beginning to see manganese deficiency in soybeans. Manganese defiiciency is a common and recurring deficiency on the sandy soils of southern New Jersey. Left untreated manganese deficiency can reduce yields. Deficiency results in reduced leaf chlorophyll content. This commonly appears as interveinal chlorosis (the tissue between the veins turns yellow while the veins in the leaf remain green). Extensive research by RCE soil fertility specialist Dr. Joe Heckman has demonstrated the economic benefit of applying manganese fertilizer to deficient soybeans. Information about manganese deficiency can be found in the RCE publication "Soil Fertility Recommendations for Soybeans".

Bill Bamka

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Free Plant Management Subscriptions Courtesy of the Soybean Checkoff

The United Soybean Board(checkoff) and the Plant Management Network (PMN) are providing soybean growers and the consultants who work for them free subscriptions (only 50 left on a first-come, first-serve basis). Sign up now before they are taken. You can sign up for a free 1-year subscription to all the Plant Management Network's content through a signup form at the following short link:
This subscription includes access to PMN's entire collection of 50-plus “Focus on Soybeans” webcasts, featuring actionable crop management information from experts who work in the field. PMN subscriptions also include access to thousands of pest control trials. crop images, Extension fact sheets and other information.  A listing of PMN's soybean-inclusive resources can be found at:

Zane R. Helsel

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Grasshoppers in Soybeans

While out scouting some soybean fields across Burlington County I was starting to see young grasshoppers, particularly in no-till fields. This is a good reminder to scout fields for grasshoppers the next few weeks. When we begin to plant double crop fields after wheat, growers should pay attention to grasshoppers. It is possible to have stand reductions from early grasshopper feeding. There are no good economic thresholds for grasshoppers. Treatments may be required if 30 to 40% defoliation occurs up to the pre-bloom stage.

Bill Bamka