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Wednesday, May 30, 2012


We are getting reports of true armyworms in Burlington County in small grain fields. As small grains begin to dry down watch for armyworms moving into adjacent corn fields. Also, scout corn fields that were planted into rye cover. Effective control is achieved when armyworm larvae are less than one inch. This late in the season we need to keep an eye on the heads in wheat fields. In wheat, armyworms tend to nibble on the tips of kernels rather than to clip heads, populations around 2 to 3 worms per linear foot between rows are generally required to justify control. When wheat is close to harvest and armyworms are longer than 1.5 inches and no head clipping has occurred control may not be needed. Also remember that we are approaching harvest, so pre harvest intervals will come into play when choosing insecticides Complete scouting and threshold information for small grains can be found in the mid-atlantic pest management recommendations for field crops. Information on dealing with armyworms in corn is also available in the recommendation guide.

Bill Bamka

Monday, May 21, 2012

Postemergence Corn Products to Provide Residual Weed Control

-Mark VanGessel, University of Delaware Extension Weed Specialist
Weekly Crop Update

Some corn fields need to be sprayed for weeds, but the corn is only 3 to 4 collars. In many ways this is good because the corn leaves will not interfere with herbicide spray pattern and will allow for maximum control. However, that means it may be two to three weeks until the corn canopies over. So relying on glyphosate or Liberty for postemergence weed control, could run into situations of weeds emerging between the postemergence sprays and the time corn canopies over. You should consider a residual herbicide in this scenario. Be sure to read individual labels for information on maximum corn size and recommended adjuvants. The following table of products will help with your selection:

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Herbicide Resistance Management Webcast Featured in Focus on Soybean

The threat of herbicide-resistant weeds to crop production makes sustainable weed and herbicide management a high-priority issue for growers, consultants, and researchers involved with soybeans and other field crops.Herbicide Resistance Management in Soybean, a webcast authored by Dr. Wes Everman, Assistant Professor and Extension Weed Specialist at North Carolina State University, shows soybean growers and consultants in the Southeast and Southern regions of the U.S
- The current state of herbicide resistance in weeds
- The current practices available to combat herbicide resistance
- Factors that should be considered when developing a weed management program
- Future management options
This 24-minute presentation is open access through August 31, 2012. Viewers can also opt to see a 5-minute executive summary version of this presentation.
This shorter executive summary version is permanently open access courtesy of the United Soybean Board.
View this presentation at

View other presentations in the Focus on Soybean resource at

Focus on Soybean is a publication of the Plant Management Network(PMN) (,

Above forwarded  from PMN. Posted by Zane R. Helsel

Friday, May 11, 2012

Harvest Aids for Small Grains???

With the early spring,wheat and other small grains have headed about 2 weeks early, are shorter in stature, and in some cases the canopy has not closed. In several of these fields I have noticed a large population of weeds threatning to overgrow the canopy in the next few weeks. While our newer combines are pretty efficient in handling some weed pressure, this year may be a time when some farmers need to consider Harvest Aids.The following is a summary from Dr Mark VanGessel,Extension Weed Specialist at the University of Delaware about some choices. "A number of glyphosate products such as Roundup and Touchdown are labeled as harvest aids in winter wheat and barley. Check the label for other formulations of glyphosate. Applications must be made after the hard dough stage and atleast 7 days prior to harvest. Aim is labeled as well, but the spectrum of control is limited to velvetleaf, morningglory,pigweeds, and a few other weeds. Apply atleast 3 days before harvest. Use of 2,4-D (or products containing 2,4-D) is generally not recommended as a harvest aid due to its volatility, and potential damage to the crop during application."
Remember to scout your fields and read the label for rates and other restrictions. With potentially earlier harvest there is a great potential for increased yields from double crop soybeans so consider your total weed control and management program in your decision to use or not use harvest aids.
Zane R. Helsel                                                                                                            

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Scout for Black Cutworms

I just received a phone call about black cutworm damage in a recently planted corn field. Growers should check their fields for cutworm damage.  Loss of corn plants from above ground cutting  injury is an indicator of black cutworm. Damage is often encountered in low lying, damp areas of fields. Adult black cut worm moths over winter in the south and migrate north with spring weather fronts. The migrating moths are attracted to fields with significant winter annual weed coverage such as chickweed. Increased populations of winter annuals are often found in reduced and no-till fields, so black cutworm tends to be more of a problem in these fields. Rescue treatments are based on the number of plants effected, corn growth stage, and size of the cutworm. Control recommendations can be found in EB-237 Mid-Atlantic Pest Management Recommendations for Field Crops

Bill Bamka

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Slugs in Field Crops

The occurence of slugs in no-till fields has been increasing over the years. I have dealt with several growers over the years who have had to replant soybean and corn fields due to slugs. The topic was again brought to my attention again today. While running an ipm training class last week I was easily able to find several slugs under some chickweed in a field. Though slug problems continue to increase, there really has been no movement in the development of any new molluscicides. The treatment options generally consist of the use of metaldehyde baits. The use of concentrated liquid fertilizers and salt sprays are sometimes also reported. However, at concentrations to be highly effective they can be potentially highly phytotoxic to the plant. There are two good publications that address scouting and treatment options for slugs in field crops. One is an Ohio State Fact sheet on slugs, and the other is a extension publication produced by the University of Maryland on the Biology and Management of slugs in reduced tillage corn.  Both publications provide good information that could be useful when dealing with slugs.

Bill Bamka