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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Animal Waste Management

Deadline Passed: What do I do now?

The New Jersey Department of Agriculture adopted regulations in March 2009 that required all livestock farm owners to responsibly manage the manure generated on their operations--including those with horses, dairy cows, cattle, swine, goats, sheep, poultry and all other domesticated species defined as livestock. All New Jersey farmers with livestock were required to be in compliance with these regulations by March 16, 2012.

It is not too late to complete your Animal Waste Management (AWMP) plans or begin work on any needed Best Management Practices. The Department of Agriculture is continuing to accept the required plan declaration pages. It is essential that you complete a plan to avoid any penalties related to non-compliance. If you want to get started please contact either your local Rutgers Cooperative Extension office or you can view the New Jersey Department of Agriculture website at

For more information about complying with the general requirements of the Animal Waste Rule and about completing an AWMP please go to the following Rutgers Cooperative Extension website:

Please contact one of the following Rutgers Cooperative Extension Offices for assistance:
  • Hunterdon County Extension Office (908) 788-1338
  • Salem County Extension Office (856) 769-0090
  • Sussex County Extension Office (973) 948-3040
  • Burlington County Extension Office (609) 265-5050
-Mike Westendorf