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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Farm Credit East Cares Community Fund Deadline Approaches

Grants of up to $500 are available to farm families recovering from Hurricane Irene or Tropical Storm Lee. Applications can be done online, emailed, or mailed.
- Michelle Infante-Casella

Applications must be received by November 26, 2011.

Grants of up to $500 are available to farm families recovering from Hurricane Irene or Tropical Storm Lee. The actual amount of the grants provided to farm families will depend on the number of applications that we receive and the amount of total funds raised.

The grant is designed to help those most devastated by the disaster meet their most urgent needs. The grant may be used for household or agricultural purposes. Farms are elgible for this disaster assistance if they are in a designated disaster county or contingent county, as long as they have $10,000 in damage and/or loss of crops as a result of Hurricane Irene or Tropical Storm Lee. Your farm family must have been directly impacted by the natural disasters and have suffered physical losses to the farm, home or livestock facility or have suffered crop losses directly related to the natural disasters. To submit an application please complete the form [found on the website].

Applications must be received by November 26, 2011.

For additional information or questions, contact your local Farm Credit East, ACA office. For office locations and contact information, please click here.