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Contact Information

The points of contact between Rutgers Cooperative Extension Service and the grower & business communities are the NJ County Agricultural Agents. The agents are a tremendous source of information for both new and experienced growers.
Visit your local county extension office.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Time to Think About Geese

Information on ways commercial farmers can address geese damage is gathered on the NJAES Snyder Farm Wildlife Damage Guide for Geese, Deer, and other species. Growers can apply for permits from NJ DEP Division of Fish & Wildlife to "addle" eggs and utilize harassment techniques such as propane cannons and pyrotechnics, noisemakers, and visual flagging.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Purple Stained Soybean Seed and weather damage

Several fields of newly harvested soybeans are showing up with purple staining on the seed and/or the seed is materially weather-damaged or shriveled and rotted. The purple coloring is most likely due to the fungus Cercospora kikuchii, a late season disease that shows up when humidity is high and temperatures warm like occurred during the extended rainy period in late August thru mid-September (in few cases if black nightshade was present at combining staining could be due to berry juices). If a significant number of seeds are infected it can lower oil percentage (but actually could increase protein) and lower germination should seed be intended for planting next year.
Lots of these beans are normally rejected for food use.

New Animal Waste Management Videos

A series of brief and informative videos are now available on the NJAES Animal Waste Management website:

Stephen Komar and Bill Bamka discuss important issues for pasture management. They walk us through how to pull soil samples & get them analyzed by the NJAES Soil Testing Lab. The other videos, a collaboration between Mike Westendorf & Bill Hlubik of Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Fred Kelly of USDA NRCS NJ, and Mark Rice of NC State, cover what you need to know as well as demonstrate how to manage animal waste on your small farm. Definitely worth watching.