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Friday, September 23, 2011

Pest Management Network Subscriptions

Only 100 Plant Management Network Subscriptions Left Courtesy of the Soybean Checkoff. 
Sign up before Sept. 30th.

Recently, the United Soybean Board (USB) and soybean checkoff purchased 500 one-year subscriptions of the Plant Management Network, a suite of 13 applied crop science resources. There are now only 100 subscriptions left--first come, first serve--for soybean growers, as well as crop consultants and CCAs who work with soybean crops.
To get this full one-year subscription, which includes access to all 13 of PMN's resources, click on the shortlink below or paste it into your browser. It will lead to a signup page on the Plant Management Network website, where you can fill in the pertinent information to register for your subscription…

The Plant Management Network (PMN) is a nonprofit publisher jointly managed by the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and American Phytopathological Society. PMN publishes a suite of applied resources with a goal: to help growers, CCAs, and crop consultants develop even healthier, higher yielding crops, including soybean. Here are some ways we achieve that goal…
- Producing webcasts on soybean crop protection and production. Webcast titles include Soybean Aphid Speed Scouting, Keys to Entering the 100-Bushel Soybean Club, and Yellow Flash in Soybean (found in PMN's Focus on Soybean resource).
- Unbiased university reports of fungicide and nematicide products, including over 250 reports on products labeled for soybean (found in PMN's Plant Disease Management Reports publication).
- The latest news and research on crop production and crop protection practices (found in PMN's Crop Management and Plant Health Progress journals).
See PMN's full list of resources at:

Zane Helsel